Using Active Setup

On more than one occasion I've had the need to change a user setting. These settings may be replacing a file or a registry key.

Possibly the first idea in solving this problem is to simply go through each user folder in Documents and Settings and work with each folder in sequence. By doing this, you'll likely have some permission problems and also, if working with the registry, have the overhead of loading each registry hive for each user. I've also found that depending on your environment you may be modifying profiles that are stale or completely obsolete.

What we can use instead, is Active Setup. In a nutshell, Active Setup runs when a user logs into the workstation and compares their registry with the local machine. For each entry found missing with the user's registry, it is executed. Normally an entry will be executed once per user and at the time the user logs in. You'll know it is running based on a small window in the top left corner popping up when the user logs in.

To get started You should add the following

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\UniqueID]

The UniqueID is just that. If you look you'll see this is mostly Guids, but it doesn't have to be. Of course you'll want this to be unique.

Version is the version of what you'll be running. Typically you won't have to change this. Where it comes in handy is if you want to update this script and run it again under the same UniqueID. If you update the version then the entry will be ran again.

The Stubpath (Command) is the command that will be executed. I have seen MSIs, EXEs, and VBScripts all run without issue. I've also seen RunDll calls as well.

The default valuename (@) is what will be displayed when the command is being executed.

Active Setup - WikiDesktop

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